


1.get up 起床

2. wake up 醒来

3. go to school 去上学

4. have English class 上英语课

5. have Chinese class 上语文课

6. go home 回家

7. go to bed 上床睡觉

8. make the bed 整理床铺

9.iron the clothes 熨衣服

10. clean the windows 擦窗户

11. cook a meal 做饭

12. wash the vegetables 洗蔬菜

13. water the plants 给植物浇水

collect stamps 收集邮票

collect old photos 收集旧照片

collect storybooks 收集故事书

play the violin 拉小提琴

take photos 拍照

Do not use a mobile phone. 禁止使用手机

Do not pick flowers.禁止摘花

21. Do not talk .禁止 说话

22. Do not fish . 禁止钓鱼

Do not smoke. 禁止吸烟

Do not spit. 禁止吐痰

Do not park here. 禁止在这儿停车

Do not turn left. 禁止向左转

27. Do not eat or drink here. 禁止 在这儿吃东西

28. the Spring Festival 春节

29. Eve of the Spring Festival 除夕

30. light firecrackers 放鞭炮

31.a family reunion dinner 团圆饭

32. wear new clothes 穿新衣服

33. get red packets 收到红包

34. watch lion dances 观看舞狮

35. have great fun 玩得开心

36. each other 互相

37. at home 在家

38. round face 圆脸

39. long hair / short hair 长发 / 短发

40. big eyes / small eyes 大眼睛/小眼睛

look like 看起来像

42. Nice to see you again. 又见到你真高兴。

What does she look like ? 她长什么样

44. What would you like ? 你想要什么?

45. Can I help you ? 我能帮你吗?

46. How much is it? 它多少钱?

47. Here you are. 给你。

48. Thank you. 谢谢你。

49. You’re welcome. 不用谢。

50. Excuse me. 打扰一下;(请问)

51. Which one do you want? 你想要哪一个?

52. have breakfast 吃早饭

53. have lunch 吃中饭

54. have dinner / have supper 吃晚饭

55. What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

56. What do you like? 你喜欢什么?

57. What does that sign mean ? 那个标志是什么意思?

58. listen to 听……

59. talk about 谈论

60. write about 写……

61. put on a play 上演一个戏剧

62. do some research 做调查

63. read and find information 阅读并查找信息

64. collect pictures 收集图片

65. study and think 学习和思考

66. write a report 写报告

67. make a kite 做风筝

68. cut the paper 剪纸

69. the reading room 阅览室

70. take sb. to the library 带某人去图书馆

71. Don’t talk in the library. 不要在图书馆说话。

72. Don’t play football on the road. 不要在马路上踢足球。

73. Don’t draw on the wall.不要在墙上乱画。

74. Don’t throw waste paper on the floor. 不要在地板上扔废纸。

75. Don’t eat in class.不要在 课堂上吃东西

76. Don’t read in bed.不要躺在床上看书。

77. When’s your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

78. International Children’s Day 国际儿童节

What about you? (那么)你呢?

80. Mother’s Day 母亲节

81. Mother’s Day card 母亲节卡片

82. a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力

83. Happy Mother’s Day ! 母亲节快乐!

84. Happy Father’s Day! 父亲节快乐!

85. Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐!

86. see a movie 看电影

87. over there 在那边

88. at the end of the street 在街的尽头

89. tea house 茶馆

90. turn right 向右转

91. get on 上车

92. get off 下车

93. go straight 笔直走

94. turn left at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口向左转

95. take Bus No. 1 乘1路公共汽车

96. go along this street 沿着这条街道走

97. Can you show me the way to the hotel? 你能告诉我去宾馆的路吗?

98. Where should I get off? 我应该在哪里下车?

99. be interested in 对…… 感兴趣

100. look kind 看起来和蔼

101. look friendly 看起来友好

102. look serious 看起来严肃

103. look smart 看起来聪明

104. kind to me 对我很和蔼

105. I was ill in bed at home. 我卧病在床

106. at work 在工作

107. in bed 在床上

108. in hospital .在医院

109. last week 上周

110. next week 下周

111. Who was first? 谁是第一名?

112. one- hundred-metre race 一百米赛跑

113. Sports Day 运动会

114. Where did you go? 你去了哪里?

115. go to the forest 去森林

116. go to the museum 去博物馆

117. make notes 做笔记

118. take pictures 拍照

119. ask questions 问问题

120. listen to music 听音乐

121. take turn 轮流

122. take out 拿出

123. learn words and sentences 学习单词和句子

124. play games 玩游戏

125. learn writing 学习写作

126.during the holidays 在假期期间

127. practice listening 练习听力

128. stand up 起立

129. sit down 坐下

130. learn from each other 互相学习

131. return home 到家

132. wave goodbye 挥手再见

133. be late for school 上学迟到

134. do her homework 做她的作业

135. read a newspaper 看报纸

136. play chess 下棋

137. take a walk / have a walk 散步

138. watch TV 看电视

139. write stories写故事

140. help my parents 帮助我的父母

141.by bus / by train / by ship / by subway / by plane / by car / by taxi / by bike / on foot乘公共汽车 / 乘火车 /乘轮船 / 乘地铁 /乘飞机 /乘小汽车 /乘出租车 /骑自行车 /步行

email my friends 给我的朋友发电子邮件

143. send greetings 发送问候

144. search for a lot of things 搜集许多东西

145. find out about countries 查找其他国家的信息

146. Let’s try it now! 咱们现在试一试吧!

147. shopping centre 购物中心

148.Let’s go and have a look. 咱们去看一看。

149. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.中秋节就要来了。

150. look at the moon 赏月

151. Which type do you like? 你喜欢哪种类型的?

152. a box of mooncakes一盒月饼

153.a box of lotus seed mooncakes 一盒莲子月饼

154. a box of red bean mooncakes 一盒红豆月饼

155.enjoy eating mooncakes 喜欢吃月饼

156. enjoy drinking tea 喜欢喝茶

157. enjoy looking at the moon 喜欢赏月

158. There will be a light wind. 将会有微风。

159. light rain 小雨

160. It’s time for the weather forecast. 到了预报天气的时候了。

161.weather forecast 天气预报

162. It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. 明天将会晴朗又凉爽。

163. sunny and warm 晴朗又暖和

164. strong wind 强风(大风)

165. heavy rain 大雨

166. sunny and cool 晴朗又凉爽

167. light snow 小雪

168. have a picnic 野餐

169.I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. 我将带来一大瓶橙汁

170.a few bars of chocolate 几块巧克力

171.a bottle of orange juice 一瓶橙汁

172. a box of cakes 一盒 蛋糕

173.a few cans of Coke 几罐可乐

174.make tea 沏茶

175.make coffee 煮咖啡

176. make cakes 做蛋糕

177. make them happy 让他们开心

178.help old people on the road 帮助老人过马路

179. clean their homes 打扫他们的房间

180.What can I do? 我能做什么?

181. keep the rivers clean 保持河流干净

182.plant more trees 种植更多的树

183.shouldn’t kill wild animals 不应该捕杀野生动物

184. keep the air clean and fresh 保持空气干净又清新

185. shouldn’t waste water 不应该浪费水

186. use bikes instead of cars 用骑单车代替开小汽车

187. shouldn’t litter 不应该乱扔垃圾

188. We must save every drop of water. 我们必须节约每一滴水。

189.There isn’t enough water on the earth. 地球上没有足够的水。

190.Everyone needs water.每个人需要水。

191.Children’s clay art show 儿童黏土艺术展

192. be on show 展出

193. Welcome to our clay art show. 欢迎来到我们的黏土艺术展。

194.look at 看……

195. This bird is bigger than the first one. 这只鸟比第一只鸟更大。

196.Tom’s hair is shorter than Mike’s. Tom的头发比Mike的头发更短。

197. go to work by car 开车去上班

198. drink more water. 喝更多的水

199. see a doctor 看医生

200.I don’t feel well today. 我今天感觉不舒服。

201.have a headache 头痛

202. have a cough 咳嗽

203. What’s wrong with you? / What’s the matter? 你怎么啦?

204. have a bad cold 患重感冒

205.have a fever 发烧

206. have a good rest 好好休息

207. come back 回来

208.good idea 好主意

209. take some medicine and rest in bed. 吃药并卧床休息

210.go to the cinema 去电影院

211. concert hall 音乐大厅

212. see a film 看电影

213. see a play 看戏

214. Let’s see a play. 咱们看戏去。

215. call me 打电话给我

216. enjoy the music 听音乐

217. Shall we go to the theatre? 我们去戏院好吗?

218.Here’s a present for you. 给你一个礼物。

219. dress up 打扮

220. give out 分发

221. Santa Claus 圣诞老人

222. Christmas card 圣诞卡

223. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

224.decorate Christmas tree with colourful balls and lights 用彩球和彩灯装饰圣诞树

225. Here’s a Christmas card for you. 给你 一张圣诞卡。

226. family outing 家庭郊游

227. do things together 一起做事情

228. watch a movie 看电影

229. go shopping 去购物

230. play the guitar 拉小提琴

231. look at the flowers 赏花

232. enjoy ourselves 玩得开心

233. go to the beach 去海滩

234. a piece of meat 一块肉

235. a piece of wood 一块木头

236. drop into 掉入……

237. I like swimming more than running. 比起跑步来我更喜欢游泳。

238. I like singing more than dancing. 比起跳舞来我更喜欢唱歌。

239. feel happy 感觉开心

240. be good for 对…… 有好处

241. be bad for 对…… 有坏处

242. take care of 关心

243.keep our body clean 保持身体干净

244. do exercise every day 每天锻炼

245. eat healthy food 吃健康的食物

246. wash face 洗脸

247.want to be healthy 想要变得健康

248. We should learn to take care of ourselves. 我们应该 学会照顾自己。

249. go jogging 去慢跑

250.wash our hands before eating 饭前洗手

251. want to be strong 想要变得 强壮

252. take long walks 长时间散步

253. go swimming 去游泳

254. go running 去跑步

255. go fishing 去钓鱼

256. go for a walk 去散步

257.Tree Planting Day 植树节

258.Exercise is good for our health. 锻炼对我们的身体有益。

259. plant trees 植树

260. Planting trees is good for us. 植树对我们有益。

261. keep the air clean 保持空气干净

262. keep us cool 让我们凉爽

263. make the place beautiful 使地方变美

264. look after 照看

265. hotter and hotter 越来越热

266. land and river 陆地和河流

267. the Space Museum 博物馆

268. Our Earth looks like this in space. 在太空我们的地球看起来就这样。

269. look for 寻找

270. play the piano 弹钢琴

271. stand on one foot 单足站立

272. read a story aloud 大声朗读故事

273. paint a picture 绘画

274. be good at 擅长于

275. step on my foot 踩到我的脚

276. be afraid of 害怕 ……

277. close the book 关上书

278. Anne wanted to dance. 安想要去跳舞。

279. Don’t worry. 别担心。

280. later on 以后;过后

281. open the door 开门

282. swimming pool 游泳池

283.have a party 举行聚会

284. have fun 玩得开心

285. have a rest at home 在家休息

286. have a class party 举行班上的聚会

287. play basketball 打篮球

288. play volleyball 打排球

289. Look at these beautiful places in the world. 看看世界上这些美丽的地方。

290. play baseball 打棒球

291. play tennis 打网球

292. play football 踢足球

293. play table tennis/ play ping pong打乒乓球

294. I’m good at drawing. 我擅长画画。

295. Some stories are more interesting. 一些故事更加有趣。


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