
KaiHongShun Studio



The door stopper can be installed in two ways, one is on the ground, and the other is on the wall or skirting board. The working mode of the door stopper is mainly based on the magnetic principle. Now take a magnetic door stopper installed on the floor as an example to explain the installation process.



1. First, confirm with the owner whether the door stopper is installed on the ground or on the wall. Because this is the bathroom, the owner decided to install the door stopper directly on the floor tiles, leaving space behind the door. The workers and the owner are confirming the specific installation location…


2. The second step is to open the door to the maximum position required, and test whether the function of the door stopper is reasonable and whether the distance between the door stopper and the door is appropriate. Position the door. After roughly positioning, open the door to see if the actual operation is reasonable…



3. After the final position is determined, position on the floor tile, and first position the stop position of the door. Use a pencil to confirm the position of the door on the floor tile, and the worker master uses a pencil to draw lines on the ground. First, confirm the final position of the door opening, and then confirm the final installation position of the door stopper.


4. After the door is positioned, draw the positioning position of the door stopper. The worker is marking the final position of the door stopper. Why should we position the door and the door stopper twice? This is for better installation. Two points are in a straight line, which is the best way to confirm the angle between the door stopper and the door opening.


5. The next job is to drill the electric drill to drill the installation hole of the door stopper on the ground. The worker's master is drilling holes on the floor tiles. The tiles installed by Aijia clay tile workers are really firm. This door stopper only needs to drill a hole.



6. Assemble the fixed end of the door stopper. Install the fixed end of the door stopper and tighten the screws on it. The door stopper is divided into a fixed end and a door end. The fixed end needs to tighten the screws before installation, and then use the attached internal angle wrench to tighten the screws on the ground or wall.


7. Fixing the door stopper on the ground and screwing the screws with a small internal angle is a fine job without experience. After going through the procedures of confirming the position, punching and assembling, the next task is to install the fixed end on the ground.


8. Confirm the position of the door stopper at the door end. The door stopper on the door can only be tightened with screws. It is useless to install the fixed end of the door stopper. The key is to position the door end. The method is to open the door to the maximum, find the exact position on the door, and tighten the door stopper with screws.



9. Fine tune the angle of the fixed end of the door stopper, and then fully tighten it. The last step of the door stopper installation is to fine tune, rotate the angle of the door stopper to make it all fit with the door stopper at the door end, and finally fully tighten the screws.


Although the door stopper is small, it is an indispensable part of home decoration. Every family needs to use a door stopper. The door stopper plays a significant role in fixing the open door and preventing the door from hitting the wall and shaking at will. Therefore, although it is small, the door stopper has a great role. Methods and steps for installing the door stopper – detailed installation process for installing the door stopper.


The door stopper has a great effect, but it should not be installed carelessly, because it is still a moving part. It should bear the impact and pull of the wooden door, and also bear the stress of the wall and floor tiles that fix it. In addition, the impact on the door should also be considered…



上一篇 2023-07-20 16:33
下一篇 2023-07-21 10:07


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