
19 November 2021


问"any longer," "anymore" and "no longer?的区别是什么?


What are the differences between "any longer," "anymore" and "no longer?"


Any longer

"any longer"是副词,在句中修饰动词。

意思是曾经是真的或可能的,但现在不是真的或可能的。如"Because of the coronavirus, we can't sit close together in the movies any longer."

注意句中can't是否定词。你也能在疑问句或否定疑问句中看到。如Here is a question using "any longer." "Don't" is the negative.

Don't you go to that store any longer?



"Chris and Sandy are not dating anymore."

Do we have ice cream anynore?


"Do we have any more ice cream?"

最后no longer放在陈述句或疑问句中


I will no longer eat pizza before going to bed – it gives me bad dreams!

Note that "no longer" can appear in the middle of a sentence.

"no longer"能放在句子中间。


Thank you for writing to us.These three expressions are similar. So, they may cause some misunderstandings among learners. Although the three expressions have the same meaning, you should be careful how you use them. They must be used in different kinds of statements or questions. Let us look at them more closely.

Any longer

"Any longer" is an adverb, that is, it gives us more information about the action in a statement or question. It means that something that was once true or possible is not now true or possible. Here is an example:

Because of the coronavirus, we can't sit close together in the movies any longer.

Note that the sentence has a negative (can't). You will only find this expression in questions or statements with a negative. Here is a question using "any longer." "Don't" is the negative.

Don't you go to that store any longer?


"Anymore" is an adverb when written as one word, meaning that something that was once true is not true. For example,

Chris and Sandy are not dating anymore.

When people write "any more" as two words, it describes an amount of something. Here is an example:

Do we have any more ice cream?

If you are unsure, look for the negative and for the location of "any more" – is it at the end? Here is the same question with the adverb "anymore:"

Don't we have ice cream anymore?

This question has a negative, "not" and "anymore" is at the end.

No longer

Finally, the expression "no longer" appears in statements or questions without other negative words. The word "no" is a negative already. Here is one example:

I will no longer eat pizza before going to bed – it gives me bad dreams!

Note that "no longer" can appear in the middle of a sentence.

I hope this answers your question, so you will no longer have problems with these three expressions


上一篇 2023-08-22 10:20
下一篇 2023-08-22 11:30


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