
每日新闻播报(September 30)

A farmer uses a traditional method to thresh rice in a field in Zigui county, Hubei province. MEI XUEFEI/XINHUA

>China issues white paper on moderate prosperity


China’s State Council Information Office Tuesday issued a white paper to document the country’s journey to moderate prosperity in all respects, or Xiaokang. The white paper, titled “China’s Epic Journey from Poverty to Prosperity,” said the realization of moderate prosperity in all respects marks a critical step toward national rejuvenation for the country.


The document hailed the unremitting hard work by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese people and looked into what China has achieved in realizing prosperity through all-around development for all.


As the world’s most populous and largest developing country, China has contributed to global peace and development by achieving moderate prosperity in all respects, it said.


In achieving a moderately prosperous society, China has helped dramatically reduce the world’s poverty-stricken population and gain new experience of modernization for humanity, while its all-around opening up has promoted win-win cooperation, said the white paper.


每日新闻播报(September 30)

Aerial photo shows technicians of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company checking power transmission lines to make sure the stable operation of local power supply in Zhoushan, East China’s Zhejiang province, Oct 23, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>State Grid vows to cope with power shortage


The State Grid Corporation of China on Monday said that it would take comprehensive measures to ensure the power supply for people’s basic needs and try its best to avoid power cuts.


The company will go all out to fight the battle of guaranteeing power supply and firmly safeguard the bottom line of power supply to meet people’s basic needs, and ensure social development and security, said the company.


The State Grid will strengthen the distribution of power from its entire network, reasonably arrange the network operation, and ensure that all available power generators from power companies are connected to the grid.


The company said it would coordinate and dispatch resources by tapping the power transmission potential of cross-provincial power networks.


The company will strengthen the monitoring of electricity consumption and ensure power supply for residential users.


The State Grid also vowed to strictly implement the power supply and consumption plans formulated by the government, strive to maintain stability in power supply and consumption, and improve emergency response plans, said the company.


每日新闻播报(September 30)

A J-20 stealth fighter jet performs during the opening ceremony of the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, or Airshow China 2021, in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong province, Sept 28, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]

>PLA Air Force unveils new aircraft


The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force has unveiled an array of new aircraft at the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, or Airshow China 2021.


Aircraft put on show included two J-20 stealth fighter jets, China’s new electronic warfare aircraft J-16D, and a new high-altitude reconnaissance drone, WZ-7.


The Y-20 heavy transport aircraft and some other major battle equipment were also displayed at the show.


The PLA Air Force is working in line with the strategic requirements of integrating air and space capabilities as well as coordinating offensive and defensive operations. Its goal is to advance toward building itself into a world-class strategic air force, said Commander of the PLA Air Force Chang Dingqiu at the event.


每日新闻播报(September 30)

A volunteer speaks through a loudspeaker to invite homeless people to take a bath on a bus equipped with showers during a mass vaccination program for people living on the streets, as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic continues, in San Jose, Costa Rica July 17, 2021. [Photo/Agencies]

>COVID-19 pandemic cut life expectancy


The COVID-19 pandemic reduced life expectancy in 2020 by the largest amount since World War II, according to a study published on Monday by Oxford University, with the life expectancy of American men dropping by more than two years.


Life expectancy fell by more than six months compared with 2019 in 22 of the 29 countries analyzed in the study.


There were reductions in life expectancy in 27 of the 29 countries overall.


The university said most life expectancy reductions across different countries could be linked to official COVID-19 deaths.


There have been nearly 5 million reported deaths caused by the new coronavirus so far, a Reuters tally shows.


There were greater drops in life expectancy for men than women in most countries, with the largest decline in American men, who saw life expectancy drop by 2.2 years relative to 2019.


Overall, men had more than a year shaved off in 15 countries, compared to women in 11 countries.


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